Although the momentum of the turn of the year occurs on a regular basis, yet know why the new year begins each January 1st?
As the site loaded Lifelittlemysteries.com, the idea of using the first day of January begins from the time of the Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar, five decades before the birth of Jesus Christ.
Some calendars have existed before Caesar created the Julian calendar in 46 BC - who inaugurated January 1 as the beginning of the year.
Julian calendar was proposed by astronomer Sosigenes, imposed by Julius Caesar on January 1, 45 BC. Every 3 years there were 365 days, every 4th year of 366 days there. Late 1 day from the equinox every 128 years
Although the Julian calendar gained popularity, in some areas are still using the dates in March and September as the beginning of the new year.
In medieval Europe, for example, new year celebration is seen as an infidel and come from pagan beliefs. The celebration eventually moved to the dates that are more acceptable, including December 25, which used the Christian Church marked the birth of Jesus.
In the 1570s, Pope Gregory imposed the Gregorian calendar - the modification of the Julian calendar, and restored January 1 as the first day of new year.
These changes are not applied in England until 1752. Until then, Britain and the colonies in America celebrate the new year every March 25th. (umi)
Source :: VIVAnews
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