Despite repeatedly buzzed, the dangers become passive smokers are still often underestimated. Whether it's for active smokers or passive smokers.
But for passive smokers, it's time to be assertive. The goal, for events experienced by Noor Atika Hasanah, 28-year-old woman who died from exposure to secondhand smoke, do not happen again.
For women who familiarly called Tika this, be smokers pasih not a choice, but compulsion. These circumstances force was delivered to death. In a Twitter account @ tikuyuz, he reveals that he was exposed to the disease Duplex bronchopneumonia, which is a type of chronic lung disease.
After a long fight against the diseases that arise as a result of spots on the lungs, exhaling the last Tika on Thursday, December 30, 2010 yesterday. This condition is very pathetic. One of the triggers of chronic lung disease experienced by Tika is because he was a passive smoker. Tika even wrote in his Twitter account "For the parents of smokers, I beg that smoking really as far as possible from his son so far from the possibility of lung hit spots."
You deserve to know, if you become passive smokers are three times more dangerous. The danger to be borne passive smokers are three times more than the dangers of active smokers.
According Setyo Budiantoro of the Association of Indonesian Public Health (IAKMI), as much as 25 percent of the hazardous substances contained in cigarette smoke enter the body, while 75 percent free air circulating in the risk of entry into the body of people around him.
The concentration of harmful substances in the body of passive smokers is greater because the poison is sucked through the cigarette smoke of active smokers are not filtered. While cigarette toxins in the body of active smokers filtered through the end of cigarettes smoked. However, toxic concentrations of active smokers could increase if the active smokers inhale smoke again that he exhales.
Poison's biggest cigarette smoke is actually generated by a puff of cigarette ends that are not smoked. Therefore, the smoke produced from burning tobacco that is not perfect.
To determine the amount of secondhand smoke following facts some data. Global Youth Survey data of 1999-2006, as much as 81 percent of children aged 13-15 years in Indonesia exposed to smoke in public places or become passive smokers. "Whereas the average percentage of only 56 percent of the world," he said.
The survey also shows, more than 150 million Indonesian population exposure to secondhand smoke at home, in offices, in public places, on public transport. While the data of the National Economic Social Survey 2004 shows that, more than 87 percent of active smokers smoke at home when being with their family members.
In a broader coverage of the world, deaths from secondhand smoke is also quite high. According to a study 'Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare' and 'Bloomberg Philanthropies', as many as 600 thousand nonsmokers die each year worldwide.
The study was conducted by analyzing data of smokers in 192 countries around the world, since 2004. About 40 percent of children and more than 30 percent of women and men become passive smokers. Based on the analysis, the ill effects of secondhand smoke triggers an increase in cases of death from heart disease (379 thousand), deaths from respiratory distress (165 thousand), deaths due to asthma (36.9 thousand) and death due to lung cancer (21,4 thousand .)
"This study helps us understand the ill effects of cigarettes. The combination of infectious diseases and secondhand smoke is death," said Armando Peruga Program Manager of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tobacco-Free Initiative, who led the study, as quoted by Fox News.
So, if you do not smoke, try to not be around a smoker or wear a mask when in public. It's for your health is not just short term but also long term.
Source :: VIVAnews
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