Saturday 15 January 2011

Tips for Keeping Friendship

Humans are social beings. Friendship and friendship is one requirement. Discussion and debate about the friendship even unwittingly became a meal everyday, especially for those who are unmarried. They did not ignore the tips to maintain friendships. To them, friends are family. 

Friendships just happen without the agreement beings involved in it. Friendship is the emotional ties, ties the heart, not a formality on paper. Every person who had hoped that friendship will continue till whenever. 

But this is not easy. As with any family, set some in the emotional ties certainly did not escape the conflict, the difference of opinion, and others. Here are some tips to keep the friendship:

* Giving and receiving

This is the essence of friendship. One of the tips keep the friendship of the most powerful. You do not just accept and do not also just give. You and your friends must give and take. Needless valuables, presence in time of need is also the priceless gift.

* Open and honest with each other

Companions are the people closest to you. If you want a lasting friendship, You have to fill it with honesty and openness. Be your own self, do not be a figure other people as people expect because you are tired of pretending.

If you are honest, open, be yourself, and he stays beside you, is you best friend. But if he left you, you never need to feel loss because it means you did not fit with her friends.

* We disagree

There are times when you disagree with your friend. In order to maintain a friendship, you do not need to bring the problem was until deep into the heart. Suppose this is a distinction which is common and as a spice in your friendship.

Just point out your opinion even though it differs with his opinion. After all, she was your friend, so she probably knew in advance that your opinion would differ with him, or even anticipate what your attitude if she expressed her opinion.

* When friends do wrong

A good friend is a friend who would invite the right direction. If you knew your friend make a mistake, remind it. Do not you let it alone. You certainly do not want your friends to suffer the consequences of these actions.

* Having a family

Once a family is usually a person will spend more time with spouses and children. Also with their own families and families partner. But you do not forget, friends are your family too.

Although you no longer spend much time together, keep the communication to remain connected friendship rope. Introduce it with a spouse and your children. Especially if your friend turned out to also have children that age as your child, then this friendship you can even pass on to them. 

Source :: Anneahira


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