A fireball crossed the sky looks amazing eastern United States, Tuesday, January 11, 2011 night. When down the Earth, it issued a blinding flash of light, illuminating the night.
"I saw a giant fireball falling from the sky," eyewitness said Rodney Anderson as loaded www.ksla.com site.
He admitted nervous at that time. "All I can think, only a shadow of doom about 2012 - after the mass death of fish and thousands of dead birds fall from the sky."
The description of a large fireball that came also came from the couple Bruce and Beverly Faulkne. They claim to see it when they turned the car into the yard in Mississippi.
"Before I turn to perfection, it was already gone," Bruce said describing the meteorite that he saw an SUV-sized and has an orange tail.
"We think if 10 feet lower, a ball of fire that could burn agricultural warehouse owned by us or anything," said Bruce Faulkne.
Local Meteorological Agency claiming to have received dozens of phone about sightings of mysterious lights in the sky.
Meanwhile, Randle Drane, Director of Emergency Management in Copiah County, Mississippi, says, not only to see flashing lights, residents also reported hearing the sound of explosions.
"Troops and volunteer firefighters to go find out what happened, but they return empty-handed," said Drane, such as the Daily Mail published.
What mistrius object that? Local officials said that the mysterious rays which can be seen from Oklahoma to Florida that allegedly was a meteorite.
Strongly suspected space rock that may contain copper, it is based on the testimony of several witnesses who reported seeing a bright green tinge of the meteorite.
An amateur astronomer, Bryan Bergon could perpetuate the meteorite. He was observing the constellation Orion visible when suddenly a bright light in the sky.
Meanwhile, Sebastian County Sheriff's Office in Arkansas said the meteorite allegedly hit the area near the Poteau Mountain, Oklahoma around 20:30 o'clock local time.
Dr. Alexander Ruzick from Portland State University says the meteorite is an ordinary thing that can happen throughout the world.
On October 8, 2009, the meteorite also 'stop' in Bone, South Sulawesi.
According to estimates by the U.S. space agency, NASA, an asteroid that exploded in Bone diameter of 10 meters with a force three times the atomic bombs that devastated Hiroshima or 50 thousand tons of TNT (bomb-making material). Asteroids Bone is one of the largest ever observed.
Luckily, the asteroid is no cause of death and mass destruction. According to astronomers, Peter Brown of the University of Western Ontario, Canada, the destruction did not occur due to explode at an altitude of 15 to 20 kilometers above the earth's surface.
Source :: VIVAnews
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