A total of nearly 7,000 couples married brides in Taiwan following the mass on the first day of 2011. According to local media, this is the largest number of brides are married couples on the same day in the last 20 years.
What causes them both married at the weekend? According to the page the Sunday Times, January 1, 2011 to coincide with the traditional calendar of Taiwan, namely the 1st of the year 100.
For Taiwanese people, 100 is a number that special.
"People often choose a symbolic date for the marriage and the number 100 is a symbol of happiness for ever [in Chinese culture]," explains Taiwan's Ministry of Interior, which named the official Chinese Taipei.
That is why the Taiwan government issued marriage certificate for 6800 couples who would establish domestic life. The number was defeated last year's data, that is 6000 pairs.
At that time, they were married on September 9th. In Mandarin, the mention of September 9, similar to the word "eternal or everlasting," the daily said demikan Taiwan, the United Daily News.
Taiwan Government reveals that last year there were 139,000 pairs of the bride, more than a record low in 2008, is 117,000 pairs.
The Government is determined to encourage Taiwan residents who are old enough to marry for the sake of boosting birth rates in their country, which included the lowest in the world. (Umi)
Source :: VIVAnews
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