Not the uniqueness of cultural or natural beauty makes Nauru famous. Small country which only has a population of about 10 thousand inhabitants is a discussion of the world because the population characteristics of the fat body.
Based on the record of the World Health Organization or WHO, about 95 percent of citizens in the Pacific Ocean region was suffering from obesity. Most even have diabetes.
They are classified as obese has a body mass index (BMI) over 30. While obese people are limited in scale 25-30, and the ideal body for 18.5 to 24.9. BMI is calculated from weight (kilograms) divided by height squared (square meters).
Historically, the people of Nauru to know the tradition of fattening by feeding excessive since childhood. However, it is not the only trigger the explosion of obesity rates in the country covering an area of 21 square kilometers.
Indulgence of society to consume fatty foods containing sugar and also had its share as a nation of Nauru to deliver the most obese in the world. The condition was getting worse by the lack of public knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.
Nauru society lifestyle changes since discovering abundant phosphate reserves in the early 1900s. They became highly consumptive as the presence of a number of mining companies in the country that shaped the island.
Improved levels of the economy changing lifestyles of local communities. Fruit and fish that had become a favorite food was withdrawing food 'waste' imported. Nauru society today is very dependent of food imports from America, Japan and Australia.
The explosion of obesity make the Nauru government must work hard to save its citizens from the risk of obesity-related diseases. Various slimming program was launched, ranging from a free exercise class, exercise, nutrition seminars, held a contest to weight loss.
Predicate achieved Micronesia Nauru was followed with 92 percent of the population overweight, Cook Islands (92%), Tonga (92%), Niue (84%), Samoa (83%), Palau (81%), United States ( 79%), Kiribati (77%), and Dominican (76%).
Source :: Vivanews
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