Mathematics is less associated with daily life and not in accordance with societal expectations. "Learning these systems tend to abstract so difficult to understand academic concepts and
results have not been as expected, "said Prof. Sutama in Solo, on Thursday (06/01/2011), which will be inaugurated as Professor of Educational Administration at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS) on Saturday (08/01/2011).
He said another gap in the field, teachers in teaching Mathematics is less often noticed the beginning of students' abilities. Teachers do not make teaching meaningful teaching methods that are less varied and seem boring.
"As a result, motivation to study hard to be grown and tended to memorize the patterns of learning," he said.
Sutama said, the fact is also supported by data from the Directorate General for Education Quality Education and Education Personnel (PMPTK), which states until the year 2009 as many as 347,300 new teachers who meet the competency that deserve to be called as a professional teacher.
Overall, only about 13.32 percent of the total number of teachers of teachers at all levels (2607311), which declared competent or professional.
Furthermore, he said, the study results PMPTK in 2009 (data quota graduate certification in 2006/2007 and 2008) showed improved performance of teachers who have passed the certification, either through portfolio assessment as well as PLPG not significant. However, in general, improving the competence of teachers who pass the certification through PLPG slightly increased compared to the competence of teachers who pass the certification through portfolio assessment.
Source :: Kompas.com
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