Mass anti-cuts protesters clashed with police state budget in London, England. The mass of the anarchists destroying public facilities and pelted police with paint bombs.
As reported by the Daily Mail page, a demonstration that lasted from early morning on Thursday, March 26, 2011, was followed by hundreds of thousands of people. Organizers of trade unions, TUC, said there are about 500,000 people who joined the demonstration.
In a prime location, which is located in Hyde Park in central London, a demonstration featuring speakers Labour Party chairman, Ed Milliban, lasting peace. The demonstrators consisted of lower-level workers, among them nurses, housewives, and teachers.
Clashes occurred in different places of the main locations, namely in the way of Oxford and Regent. Reportedly, hundreds of activists who dressed all in black, hooded to and masks, attacked the police with paint bombs and smoke bombs. The police car which was parked not be separated from their moons.
Some police seen his face covered in paint that comes from throwing demonstrators. Some buildings also become their tantrums, among others, is the Ritz Carlton hotel and several banks.
Demonstrations this Saturday called the largest demonstration ever held in Britain since 2003 against the Iraq war demonstrations. At the demonstration this time, as many as 4500 police were deployed to the demonstration site.
The mass of demonstrators opposing the government's plan to reduce the state budget as much as 81 billion pounds over five years to tackle the state deficit.
Due to budget cuts, most government agencies would be affected. Civil servants say will cut his salary and up to 300,000 civil service jobs be eliminated.
Source :: Vivanews
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